Update, new direction with the blog

Previously, I’ve written about my ideas of things yoyo related. I think a lot of the things I’ve thought about, my musings, that I’ve posted on this were directed towards an audience that only cared about yoyo. I’d like to try to appeal to the humanity behind the person throwing.

I’ve lived a rather interesting life. Having grown up in 4 different countries, with many different hobbies, interests, and ideas, I think maybe it’s time to share some of my thoughts beyond a extrinsic, superficial concept.

Let this be a blog about me, some of my intrinsic feelings, cause there’s depth to one person than just their hobby. A hobby sometimes swallows someone, defining that entire person. There’s more than that to me. My regret is that I’ve never been able to share it, to open up to anyone.

I am a musician, yoyo player, clarinetist, cook, and so much more. I hope to share more of my life with the world.

Tyler Hsieh